Fight against religious spirit
- October 30, 2022
- Posted by: holyghostschool
- Category: Holyghost School

Text: 2 Timothy 3:5
The religious spirit is an evil spirit that seeks to substitute religious activity for the power of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life. Its primary objective is to have Christians holding to a form of godliness although they have denied its power.
This religious spirit is the leaven of the Pharisees & Sadducees (Matthew 16:6). Jesus called it to leaven, in that it does not add substance or have nutritional value, it only inflates like bread. It can not add substance to the church and its life, instead, it fills the human with pride that caused the first fall of man, the fall of Babylon, and of every man since time began. Religious spirit keeps people away from God´s voice (the manna) by making them assume that they already know what God is saying and what pleases Him. It then makes them feel fulfilled.
Men possessed by the religious spirit believe that the word of God given out is for others not for them. It makes one see what is wrong with others without seeing what is wrong with themselves. This spirit will never allow people to worship God in the spirit unless we do away with it.
Prayer: Jesus my Lord, please lose me from the grip of the religious spirit in my life by the power of your name.