Course: Introduction to holyghost school - Prese...
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Holy Ghost School is God end time Discipleship Programme – by Revelation. It is a new thing in our time. It is a new move of God which He specifically kept for the last Days. He revealed this  to His prophet, Isaiah and confirmed it through  Micah, to show how important it is.
In the LAST DAYS the Mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, come ye and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord…And HE WILL TEACH US His ways, and we will walk in His paths. (Isaiah 2:2,3 )
This prophecy is repeated word for word in Micah 4:1,2 and it simply means that in the Last Days the presence of God will be exalted above every other pursuit of man. The mountain of God means God’s presence. Other hills means things men are pursuing in their self-will. In the Last Days there will be shaking of nations, and fear will come upon all.
As end time calamities sweep across nations, fear will come upon all men. Men will then abandon their selfish, carnal pursuits and will run to God for protection and safety. In other words, a day is coming when everyone will seek God, and pursue Him above any other desire. On that day the Mountain of the Lord (God’s presence) would be desired above every other thing. It further said that in that time, men will seek God just for one thing, that He may teach us HIS WAYS.
People would become tired of seeking miracles and blessings and all that. Now they will seek just one thing – knowledge of God. Moreover, they will no longer depend on man’s adulterated teachings. They will rather go to God Himself, to learn directly from. Him the ways of life! This is the Holy Ghost School we are talking about. God revealed it to His servants and told them it would take place in the LAST DAYS. Now, everything shows that we are in the Last Days. Therefore Holy Ghost School has taken off, as God said it should be.
In practice, HOLY GHOST SCHOOL simply means someone learning directly from God! When you separate yourself to God, and allow Him to teach you, and lead you in the way you should go, then you are in the Holy Ghost School. That is all! It simply means, one taught and being led by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8 : 14).